Tres Leche Cake

This was alot of explaining on this video. It’s a lot of work but all so worth it. This was the second dessert my granddaughter wanted for her high school dinner celebration. Let’s get straight to it.


1 cup of All-purpose flour

1-1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

1/4 teaspoons of salt

5 eggs

1 cup of sugar, divided

1 teaspoon of vanilla

1/3 of milk

1 can of evaporated milk

1 can of condensed milk

For icing

1 pint of heavy cream

3 tablespoons of sugar


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Make sure to spray your pan until coated. I used parchment paper which optional.

Combine flour, baking powder and salt.

Separate eggs

Beat yolks with 3/4 sugar on high speed until yolks are pale yellow. Stir in milk and vanilla. Pure egg yolk mixture over the flour mixture and stir very gently until combined.

Beat egg white on high speed until soft peaks form with the mixer on, pour in remaining 1/4 cup of sugar and beat until eggs whites are stiff but not dry.

Fold eggs white mixture into batter very gently until combined. Pour into prepared pan and spread to even out the surface.

Bake for 35-45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Turn cake out onto a rimmed platter and allow to cook.

Combined condensed water, evaporated milk and heavy cream. When cake is cool, poke the cake with a folk all over, slowly drizzle onto the cake. Try to get as much around the edges of the cake. L

Allow the cake to absorb the milk for 30 minutes. To ice the cake whip a pint of heavy cream, with 3 tablespoons of sugar until thick. Spread over the surface of the cake.

I credit this recipe to The Pioneer Woman.


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