The Birth of a Hat

Kinda catchy title lol. Listen this hat right here was done in the process of me needing to craft. Crafting is very therapeutic for me, I’m call it my soulmate.

I took a hat I purchased at a discount store and gave it about what seemed to be 50 coats of paint but it wasn’t case. I gave it 6 coats of paint. I waited for it to dry up and gave it another. Each time I allowed it to dry. Now for the curve of it because if you notice the rim of the hat was flat. I tied the two sides up as you can see on the video.

I thought I was taping myself when adding the flowers but yes key word ‘thought’ but y’all don’t need to see a video on how to glue flowers.

If you want more details on this project make sure to check out my video below and subscribe to the channel.

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